Monday, 9 November 2015

আমার রোজনামচার পাতা থেকে ঃ- ০১                            সুজিত নারায়ন চট্টোপাধ্যায়

আমরা এখন এক আশ্চর্য কর সময়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে চলেছি। নিজেরাও বিশ্বাস করতে পারছি না সময়ের গতি আর চাহিদা । একদিকে বিশ্বায়ন অন্য দিকে উদারীকরণ, সব কিছু মিলিয়ে, এ যেন  এক গোলকধাঁধা। যাকে বলে ভুল্ভুলাইয়া, একদিকে  ঢুকে যখন অন্য দিক দিয়ে বেরোচ্ছি, তখন মনে হচ্ছে, না এ দিক তনয় ত আমি চাই নি আমি অন্য কিছু চেয়েছিলাম,  কিন্তু কি চেয়েছিলাম , তা’ও ঠিক করে বলতে বা বোঝাতে পারছি না। মনে হচ্ছে , বোঝাবোই বা’ কি করে । আমিও ত’ ঠিক জানি না, কি চেয়েছিলাম ! অনেক টাকা , অনেক প্রতিপত্তি, অনেক ক্ষমতা, অনেক জিনিষ, যা আমরা এতদিন পেতাম না। কেবল দেখতাম ছবিতে, আজ সেই সব কিছু পাওয়ার জন্য আমার সব কিছু চাই।

সব কিছু চাই, কিন্তু কোন সব কিছু ? সব কিছু, যা টাকা দিয়ে কেনা যায় ? সব কিছু,  যা প্রতিপত্তি দিয়ে পাওয়া যায় , অথবা না পেলে হরণ করা যায় ?  সব কিছু, যা আমার অপার ক্ষমতাকে প্রকাশ করতে সক্ষম ? কিন্তু কে চায় ? কারা চায় ? আমরা সবাই , না, আমি ? আমি একা না পেলে, আর কেউ যেন না পায়। আমার সঙ্গে কেউ কেউ বা কোন কোন ব্যক্তি, যদি পায়, তবে হয়তঃ কোন আপত্তি করব না , কিন্তু আমার সাথে সবাই যদি পায় তা’হলে অবশ্যই আমার আপত্তি আছে। কেননা সবাই পেলে আমার পাওয়াটার মধ্যে কোন বিশেষত্ব থাকে না আমার ক্ষমতা প্রতিপত্তি আর অর্থের প্রমান প্রতিষ্টিত হয় না। 

এটা প্রতিষ্টিত করতেই হবে, যে আমার সেই সব কিছু আছে, যার দ্বারা আমি আমার ইচ্ছামত অনেক কিছু পেতে পারি। আমার এই চাওয়া পাওয়ার পেছনে সব সময় আমার অভাব কাজ করছে এ’কথা ভাবার কোন কারণ নেই। আসলে বেশীভাগ ক্ষেত্রে করছে না। যেটা করছে তা’হল আমার দিশা হীন অভাব বোধ। এই বোধ আমার নিয়ন্ত্রণের বাইরে। আমি এটার দ্বারা পরিচালিত হই । এ’কে পরিচালনা  করার ক্ষমতা  আমার নেই। আসলে হয়তঃ ইচ্ছাটাও নেই। কিংবা এই “বোধ” সম্পর্কে আমার কোন চেতনাও নেই। তাই আমার চাহিদা এই “বোধ”- কে সৃষ্টি করে নি। বরং এই “বোধ”-ই আমার চাহিদাকে সৃষ্টি করেছে। আমার চারপাশ থেকে যদি এই “বোধ” উঠে আসত, তা’হলে হয়তঃ নিজেকে সবার মাঝে স্থাপন করে সামাজিক পারিবারিক, ও ঐতিহ্য যাত “বোধের” মধ্যে দিয়ে চাহিদাকে প্রশাসিত করত। কিন্তু উদার স্বাতন্ত্র্যবাদ সেই পথে বিরাট বাধা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে। তাই “বোধ” শুধুই আমার স্বাতন্ত্র্য সম্পন্ন বোধ। এর সাথে সমাজ পরিবার, শিক্ষা ঐতিহ্য কোন কিছুরই কোন যোগ নেই। এর পশ্চাতে কোন মূল্যবোধ নেই। উদার এই “বোধের” পশ্চাতে আছে “সমাজ অনুদারতার” স্পষ্ট ছাপ। স্বকৃত ব্যক্তি- কেন্দ্রিক উদার মূল্যবোধের তীব্র উপস্থিতি।

এক কথায় আমি যা চাই তা’ সর্বার্থে চাই, কোন রকম আপোসের  মধ্যে দিয়ে চাই না, অথবা কারুর সাথে আমার “বোধ” আর “চাহিদার” আপোস, আমি চাই না। আমি মনে করি, তা’হলে আমার ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতা খর্ব হবে। আমার স্বাতন্ত্র্য বিনষ্ট হবে। ‘আমি আর তা’হলে আমি থাকব না, আন্যের ক্ষমতায় পরিচালিত এক স্থবির ব্যক্তিত্ব হীন পরাধীন জীবে পরিণত হব।‘ অতএব “আমার স্বাধীনতা : আমার স্বাতন্ত্র্যের মধ্যে আছে; আমার স্বাধীনতা :আমার বিশ্বায়ন বোধের মধ্যে আছে ;আমার স্বাধীনতা: আমার উদার বোধের মধ্যে আছে।“ 

এই মূল্যবোধ এক নতুন মুল্যবোধ। আমরা যারা বিংশ শতকের মাঝের দিকে জন্মেছি এবং বড় হয়েছি , তাদের কাছে বিংশ শতকের শেষের দশকের আগে এ’ছিল এক নতুন পাওয়া মূল্যবোধ। বিশ্বায়ন আর উদারীকরনের পথ ধরে এই মূল্যবোধ এসেছে, এক নতুন হাওয়া সৃষ্টি করেছে। নতুন এই হওয়ার বিহ্বল করে গন্ধে আমোদিত হয়ে ভেসে যেতে চাইছি, কিন্তু দিশা পাচ্ছি না । হাওয়ার বেপুথে দমকে বার বার ধাক্কা খাচ্ছি। থমকে যাচ্ছি । ভাবছি এ’ ত আমার ছিল না। কোথা থেকে এল? এ’ আমায় কোথায় নিয়ে যাবে?   

বিদ্যাসাগর মহাশয় আমাদের জন্য লিখেছিলেন, রাম বড় ভাল ছেলে। সে তার বাবা, মা আর গুরুজনদের কথা শোনে । মন দিয়ে লেখাপড়া করে। আর রাখাল কারোর কথা শোনে না। কেবল নিজের কথা শোনে। প্রত্যহ লেখাপড়া করে না। এরপর আর কিছু লেখেন নি। লেখেন নি তাঁর চিন্তা চিরন্তন কি’না। এখন আর রামকে বড় একটা দেখা যায় না। রাখালদের রমরমা । এখন শুধু নিজের কথা শোনার সময়। অন্যের কথা শোনার সময় কোথায়? বিশ্ব সমাজে আমার স্বাতন্ত্র্য , আমার অধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠার একমাত্র উপায় হল, নিজের বিষয়টা বুঝে নেওয়া। বিশ্বায়নের গনতন্ত্র আমায় কিছু সাংবিধানিক অধিকার দিয়েছে। তা যদি সুরক্ষিত না হয়, তবে আমি প্রতিবাদ করব। বাস্তবের জগতে কাউকে না পাশে পেলে, অ-প্রকৃত জগতে তার খোঁজ করব। কারন সেটাই হল আজকের সবচেয়ে সক্রিয় এবং ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন বিশ্ব জগত ।  

Friday, 6 November 2015

    DR. Sujit Narayan Chattopadhyay
     Surjasnata Chattopadhyay

Regarding Urbanization:-
By definition urbanization refers to the process by which rural areas become urbanized as a result of economic development and industrialization. Demographically this word urbanization denotes the redistribution of population from rural to urban settlement over a period of time.
There are number of theories which have tried to explain the occurrence of urbanization. There are some authors like Childe or Harvey etc. who emphasized on the process of self-generated and endogenous urbanization. But in late eighteenth Century we have witnessed the rise of urban sectors in Great Britain through the wake of industrial capitalism. In a demographic sense, this theory focuses on the rural-urban population shift as the foundation of urbanization, but it identifies industrialization as he basic driver behind the movement of rural population to urban areas for factory work.
Before industrialization in the Great Britain, no society could be described as urban or urbanized. All countries primarily in West, that began to industrialize rapidly after Great Britain became highly urbanized by the mid-twentieth century which was followed by accelerated industrialization and then urbanization. 
What are the basic causes of Urbanization?
Among others, following four causes are important, which have led to the growing of Cities.
1.      Industrialization is one of the basic cause of urbanization. Industrialization at the initial stage expanded the employment opportunities to both skilled, unskilled and semi-skilled labour. Rural people started migrating from their native place to the cities in search of better employment and income opportunities.
2.      Social Factor also played a major role for attacking the rural people to the cities. The rural people were attracted to come to the cities for better standard of living, better educational facilities. They, in fact, wanted to raise the status of their life pattern and status of family.
3.      In rural sector people generally lived on agriculture, and they carried out a traditional family life pattern. Indian agriculture is heavily depending on monsoon. Apart from that the village cultivators also suffer during the time of drought situation or any other natural calamities. These naturally provoke the rural people to migrate to the cities.
4.      Urbanization is characterized by sophisticated technology better infrastructure, communication medical facilities etc. People feel that they can lead a comfortable life in cities and migrate to cities.

How rural community is absorbing the urban characteristics, and what are the consequences of this transformation on rural culture?
It is an important aspect that with the growing urbanization, the rural society is transforming its internal aboriginal pattern of life and other social tradition. Thus the interesting aspect of urbanization is that the cities are not only increasing in number in view of growing industrialization, but the rural community is also keen to adopt the urban culture, partially leaving out their unique aboriginal tradition of rural culture. As a consequence of their urban proximity, they start to follow the material culture of urban people, leaving their own traditional social character and own-ness. Here briefly we can discuss the consequences of Urbanization on the Rural with help of the available information.
The impact of urbanization can be taken into account with the help of many variables. Generally the person whose geographical or locational proximity with the  cities is firmly established, whether he or she may reside in cities or the hinterland , the effect of economic political or occupational organisation fall on him or her family more convincingly. Even he enjoy the benefit of taking the advantage of health, educational or general welfare provided by the state or by any individual initiative or entrepreneurship. In spite of this, it must also be kept in mind, that the social and cultural system of urban and rural societies differ and that these differences invariably have a direct or indirect bearing on the interaction between a city and its hinterland.
Initially, the impact of urbanization on the rural society, can be seen as societies become increasingly urbanized, the social emphasis is placed on achievement rather than on ascription. There are number of aspects where urbanization has brought about many changes in the life of its dwellers. Some of them are physical, social, psychological and cultural aspects.
I) Physical Aspects: - Industrialization has resulted in an increase in urban population which creates further pressure on urban land. As a result there is dearth of space, and consequently congestion and overcrowding occur. The situation may go to that extent where municipality finds difficult to provide the basic amenities to the migrated as well as existing population. The amenities include consumer goods (food and water) shelter and protection from infectious disease. Another consequence of an increase in population is the imbalance created between demand and supply of goods and commodities. The prices rise exorbitantly due to inflation and lack of adequate supply.
II) Social Aspects: - Increasing number of inhabitants in a settlement beyond a certain limit affect the relationship between them and character of the city. The greater the number of individuals participating in a process of interaction, the greater is the potential of differentiation between them whereby the personal trails, the occupation, the cultural life and the ideas, and belief and values get widely separated. These variations give rise to the spatial segregation of individuals. The bonds of kinship, neighborliness and sentiments of living together for generations are absent among these people due to such diverse origin and background. In such circumstances, competition and formal control mechanism substitute for the bonds of solidarity that hold a folk or a village society together. Another important outcome of an increase in population and the consequent increase in density is that personal mutual acquaintanceship between inhabitants, which ordinarily involve an increase in a neighborhood feeling, is lacking. Thus, the increase in number involves changed the character of the social relationship, the absence of anonymity and segmentalization of human relationship.
The high mobility in the urban life enables an individuals to assume diverse roes. This in turns leads to instability and insecurity in the society at large. The city dweller thus in a transitory habitat, does not generate binding tradition and sentiments and only rarely is found to be neighborly. All these have led to the growth of a number of social problems.
III) Psychological: - The level of  assimilation in the urban areas is concerned with the psychological aspects of adjustment acquiring the values, meaning, sentiments, prejudice or ideologies of that particular community. The problem of assimilation is more for migrants as they usually come from different backgrounds and struggle to settle down in the migrated cities. The rapid changed through globalization and liberalization in the economic sphere have brought many changes influencing the life of people residing in urban areas also.
Take for instance, India only after 1991; many business processing outsourcing (BPO) companies have started functioning in almost all the major urban centres. The result is that many young people have shifted to these organizations because they pay better and also the working conditions in these organizations are better, but the problem here is these organizations expect their employees to work for longer hours and sometimes in night shifts. Such changes are affecting the individual’s social life, including his/her family life.
IV) Cultural: - Urban impact may occur at different parts of a region or sub-region, and in many different ways, as urban culture becomes diffused beyond a city’s political boundary. The cultural content may be disseminated by human carriers, who transmit their ideas, techniques, skills and modes of behavior through interpersonal contacts or by mass transportation and communication. A villager, who has lived or worked in a city and returns to his/her village, is a carrier capable of transmitting to his village kin or friends some of the culture he/she has acquired through urban residence.
This process of diffusion is reversed through the flow of culture into the city from the outside. As a rural hinterland becomes urbanized in a cultural and social sense, so do urban communities become realized, partly by the presence in the city of rural or village folk who take with them their values and behavior patterns when they visit or take up residence in an urban community. But the outflow of urban culture is generally greater in volume and the impact is more penetrating, at least more dramatic and apparent, than the impact of rural culture on urban people and their social life. This process remains reciprocal.
V) Economic: - Economic impact of urbanization on villages can be seen in two ways: economic impact caused due to industrialization and economic impact due to migration of inhabitants in search of livelihood.
a) Industrialization: -The explosion in urban growth or the rapid urbanization process that gave rise to the modern industrial city depended on the process of industrialization. Thus, one finds that urbanization was closely tied to industrialization as cities developed adjacent to the sources of cheap energy, based first on water, power and then on coal and at sites where rivers, lakes or canals permitted the assembly and dispersal of bulky raw materials and finished products, a transportation pattern later reinforced by the rail roads.
So close was the relationship between industrial production and urbanization that in a review of the 19th century American city, Goheen noted, ‘Industrialization is almost synonymous with the growth of the modem city.’ This assessment was shared by the 19th century American commentators such as Frederick Engels, ‘Industry and Commerce attain their highest stage of development in the big towns, so that it is here that the effects of indus­trialization on the wage earners can be more clearly seen.’
The explosive urbanization, which is the result of industrialization, has also affected the agricultural technology. It has affected fanning by changing the ways that the crops and livestock are raised. Farmers with these modern methods are now able to grow enough food for the large densely populated cities also, apart from satisfying their own needs. Thus, one reason for rapid urbanization was increase in productivity.
Another is the development of transport and communication systems, which are also the result of industrialization. Thirdly, the new building materials such as steel and reinforced concrete, plus the invention of the elevator, have enabled the architects to design much taller and bigger buildings that can accommodate the increasing population.
The improvements in the public health and hygiene have not only cut the rate of mortality, but also increased the rate of migra­tion to the cities. Thus, one can find a strong correlation between industrialization and urbanization. Industrialization has brought about efficiency in every field due to mecha­nization processes. As a consequence, the cities are attracting more and more number of people leading to the growth of urban areas and rapid urbanization all over the world.
b) Migration: -Geographical mobility or migration of people within a country is a demographic response to disparities in the regional levels of socioeconomic development. Regions of higher economic development with higher incomes and wages tend to attract people and particularly economically active population from regions with relatively lower levels of development and consequently lower rates of wages and incomes. Migration constitutes the very foundation of the process of urbanization and is recognized as the chief mecha­nism by which urban areas continue to grow.
Migration has led to a massive movement of people from areas of low economic opportunities, concentrated in rural areas and in smaller sized urban settlements to the centres of high economic opportunities, which are hyper-concentrated in the metropolitan cities with population exceeding 1 million. Sometimes, this uncontrolled influx of migrants into the metropolitan cities is fraught with disastrous consequences. It has resulted in a number of jobless or underemployed people, which is one reason why a number of people are living in slums or as squatter settlements or on pavements as houseless population and decline in providing the basic amenities like water supply, sanitation and health.
The consequences of migration can be seen in the rural areas also. The impact is more if one male or female member of the family has migrated. These working males or females send money to their families living in rural areas and also visit them often. This results not only in the flow of wealth from urban centres to rural areas, but also the flow of urban culture to rural areas and vice versa.
If a person has migrated with his/her nuclear family to the city, but the extended members of his/her family are still residing in rural areas, then the migrated family may not visit their rural relatives so often, but the impact of urbanization is felt on such facilities also. In such cases, usually money is sent to the rural relatives once in a month or when it is needed. Along with money, the urban way of living is also transferred to the rural relatives whenever the family visits the rural centres. Thus, migration will not only bring about changes in urban centres, but will also bring about changes in rural areas.
VI) Political: - In urban areas, one can find many new immigrants. These new comers do not have the same social connections as the original inhabitants, so they increasingly resort to developing informal social networks for their survival. In the process, some rural traditional forms of organizations are forms of organizations are formed. Various forces try to exploit these organizations for personal or political gain.
Once the members of the organizations start understanding their importance, they start exercising authority collectively. In course of time, these organizations may take the form of political parties. Sometimes, the urban people may only influence the existing political party’s future in a democratic country.
VII) Environment: -Today’s urban environment is not a natural environment. It is an artificial environment created by man. The high density of population and rapid industrialization have polluted the urban environment to a great extent. The problem of environmental pollution has become a serious threat to the urban environment. The unhygienic conditions in which majority of the urban people are living because of the high cost of installing pollution control devices are expected to bring the paradoxical trap of poverty and pollution in the long run.


Sunday, 1 November 2015

Empowerment of women in Urban Local Governance through Participation.
                                       DR.Sujit Narayan Chattopadhyay.

The issue, empowerment of women, has recently become a widely discussed matter. It is also believed that today’s generation has aptly realized the need of empowering the women by opening the avenues of their legal and constitutional means of taking active part in constitutional as well as statutory bodies of the Government which are used to govern and administer the affairs of the society. Present society has accepted these accesses of women as their fundamental right. The actual goal is to reach at a desired point of social development, where the women would also be considered as responsible social member. So there should not be any discrimination of sex, in the question of eligibility for power and social responsibility. This movement of development of gender outlook and  mentality was first initiated in UNO in the year 1975, when the resolution was adopted establishing the right of participation and equality of women in all social affairs. After that all participating countries of UNO, began a new era by ensuring the legal right of participation for women to all policy administration and governance.

 The most interesting thing is that, women constitute nearly half of the total population not only in India but also in all most all the major States. Even most of the liberal and socialist countries have extended the right to vote and right to elect to this part of the society. And that has also been approved by the Constitution of the land. Thus the women have given the duel right in Politics: the right to vote and the right to contest in the election. These extensions of political rights have led the enhancement of their political and public life. Even the power and authority have been accepted by the Constitution of the land, the condition of Indian Women, at least in reality, is altogether different from its theoretical description. Still the sexual oppression and economic suppressions are the common story of Indian women. Still Indian women are mostly considered as voiceless segment of the population who survived for betterment of the men folk. There are six vital determinants to understand the exact position of Indian women.  These are,  a) sex ratio; b) participation in economic activities; c) availability of economic opportunities; d) availability of educational opportunities; e) political empowerment; f) availability of health facilities and normal sanitations necessary for women in general. Studies over 58 countries were made by “Global Gender Group” with the intention of making a report on the gender gap in different countries.  The report brought out the fact that despite heightened international awareness and commitment the gender gap has not yet eliminated in any those 58 countries. Only some Western countries have made some mechanical attempt of narrowing the gap.

To concentrate on India, we may found that Indian tradition and social myth placed women in the highest pedestal, but in reality, women of India are still the subject of worst form of social oppression and exclusion. 2001 census revealed that in the sex ratio India’s place is in lowest rung. The percentage of women literacy is 54.16% as against male literacy of 75.85%. Large numbers of women are belonged to the unorganized sector. Only 2.3% are in the administration or in management, 20.5% are professional and technical workers, all of whom collectively earn only 25% of the shared income. The picture of Political participation, even if there is reservation of women seat in all the representative bodies, is also bleak, above all only 15% of women folk are getting the chances of representing in the Political decision making process.

Our history of National Movement against colonial power depicts another picture. Women had a very inspiring role in the National movement. Women of all classes and walks of life, in large numbers voluntarily joined picketing, collecting donations, and courted arrest and were imprisoned in distant jail. After Independence, our makers of Constitution tried to include their contribution through constitutional guarantees like equal political right, and right to representation of women, also empowered the state to adopt some positive measures to eradicate the social, political and economic discrimination in favor of women. But incensed male dominancy and male competitiveness were the impediments of materializing those wishes and instruction of the makers of our Constitution. Our “constitution makers” also tried put an objective attempt to include the women power and endeavor into the Local self Government. Although we have witnessed a significant presence of women representation in Local Government, but their representation in the civic governing processes have so far been conspicuously low. They are representing there physically but not in the actual process of decision making machinery at the local level. This awful absence and insignificance in decision making of women from political process have naturally generated doubts about how to identify and integrate women’s social and economic needs and priorities in the process of development. There are some social and economic researchers who try to suggest that women-specific developmental programme and schemes will help them to empower their desired goal. But that too require a perfect understanding of demands and development of women for better understanding their own problems and impediments.

Participation in the management and governance of local bodies may of urban or rural, is an important aspect of rights and empowerment. The constitution has provided equal rights and responsibilities both to the men and women.  But physiological differences and the socially ascribed and determined roles of women, which are traditionally established, often restricted the women to get an easy and comfortable access to the social political and economic problems and resources both in urban sector as well as in rural sectors. Although the role and outward activities or scope of activities of women in urban sector is to a large extent differ from that of rural women. Even then we have witnessed in many cases that, well-being women of urban sector remained unrecognized or unsupported in most societies. As a result women in urban sector are still the worst victim of poor living and of basic urban services and facilities. It is often argued that the knowledge and sensibilities to social issues and needs of woman can more easily create the possibilities of sustainable urban development. They can also better represent the local urban need more effectively than men.  Field experiences of researchers have also appreciated that the direct involvement of women in urban governance may bring rich and sustainable economic, social and political dividends to the communities. If this experience is shared perfectly by the decision makers then the equitable development would also be ensured.

This hypothesis was taken seriously by the legislation. It has also been accepted that women’s eligibility stem from the experience they achieved from their inherent knowledge of home-management. Yet in India they are still in the position of disaggregated part of the urban society in the process of preparation of urban planning. In view of this the Legislature brought 74th. Amendment in the year 1992, where attempt were made to extend the democracy to the daily life of the citizen and to create an environment for women to take part in the process of local self government. It also made an attempt to bring forward the women sector of urban society to the forefront of the city development. The amendment defines urban local bodies as institution of self-government and instrument of planning for economic development. Most importantly, it provides reservation of one-third of elected seats for women at local government level in urban areas. Even it also has made a provision of making one-third seats reserved for women to the post of Chairperson in the local bodies. The Constitution has also made necessary arrangement of representation for SC and ST Candidatures in the Local Bodies. The attempt was to bring a new force/crop from the grassroots level to the position of representation and leadership. This immediately made a new ways to the women to place them in the position of leadership in local bodies as Mayor/Chairperson/Councillors.
But the question is, how far this increasing participation of women has brought a change in perception of role and responsibilities among them. There we have got varies experience. In most cases we have seen that despite an increasing participation in the decision making process, the actual developmental role of women councilors still remains highly restricted due to the complex institutional and beauracratic web. Actually  various prevailing departmental barriers in developmental works ultimately provides little scope to the local bodies for their own planned development. Apart from that it has also been seen that women in general have been unable to collectively ush their gender interest in the local government mainly because of lack of necessary support from the male colleagues coupled with their won hesitation to come together cutting across the party lines to raise their issues.

It was further expected that Kolkatta would be much favorable place for women, in comparison to Mumbai, Chennai or Delhi because of its traditional consciousness and involvement with direct Politics. Least numerically the success has been ensured. The record shows that the women of this cities are more endowed with education, age, Political connection, and inherent activitism. But the unfortunate thing is that , recurring phenomenon of elite over representation and the rising number of inheritors in the successive municipal elections puts the democratic roots or urban governance to question. On the other hand our experience in Tamilnadu, Rajasthan Maharashtra, Karnataka shows that most of the women corporators are new to the world of Politics, they are unable to effectively participate in decision making given the complexities. This is mainly due to the lack of their proper educational exposure and skill to deal with some social problem effectively. Furthermore, non-availability of training and information coupled with the lack of a supportive working environment has been identified as their major stumbling blocks to their free activities.

Thus it can be concluded that the effect of reservation or promulgation of 74th. Amendment was not comfortable and positive in every part of this country. The opportunities provided by the Amendment were mixed and different in different urban areas. The opportunities created by the Amendment were required to be supplemented by education, skill in handling the social situation and necessary political connection. In every cases the presence of women in the civil governance have been ensured by the Amendment but the effects of that were not equal in every part of the Country. Economic and Social independence can only bring the desired result of women empowerment in our Country. Some basic reasons can be identified, which play a vital role in preventing the process of women empowerment. These are: a) Lack of orientation/ training in managing the urban development; b) lack of education and knowledge of power and responsibility of a representative in the local government, especially because of paucity of organizational and political support; c) Lack of technical knowledge of handling the scheme, and of providing social benefits to the locality; d) Inadequate support from Municipal officials and gender discriminatory behavior of other associates.
To come out from this gender discrimination and other related technical and educational problem, a few steps can easily be taken by the Government to establish the basic aim of the Amendment. These may be: a) continuous training to empower the women with political, legal and social knowledge; b) The government may take special effort to promote and support the women’s collective efforts with its administrative power, so that the initiative of women may reach to the larger forum of civil society. For this the Government is required to create an atmosphere of continuous dialoging with women and with civil society; c) This will ultimately help to strengthen the power and confidence of women in handling the social and civic situation; d) Government should remember that only constitutional provision regarding reservation  of seats in the civic and constitutional bodies are not sufficient. These only increase the quantitative participation without changing the qualitative level of women representatives. Women are needed to be mobilized as a political force so as to challenge the oppression and male hegemonic forces. Our experiences show and suggest that periodic training orientation and sensitization can help women representatives perform their assigned function in a better way.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

রাজা তোমায় নিয়ে

রাজা তোমায় ---- 

রাজা তোমার মাথায় 
একদিন যারা ছাতা ধরেছিল 
কিংবা  যারা তোমার সাথে পা' মিলিয়েছিল, 
আজকে তারা  কোথায় চলে গেল  ?

রাজা তোমার মাথায় পড়া 
রোদের আলো , ঝড়ের ধুলো ,
ছাতা দিয়েই  আড়াল যারা করেছিল ,
কেন যে নেই তোমার সাথে তারা ! 

আজকে যখন হাঁটছো  ভীড়ের মাঝে ,
অচেনা ঐ  মুখের মিছিল গুলো,
হাঁটতে হবে , বলেই শুধু হাঁটে ।
ভীড়ের থেকেও  অনিচ্ছারি  করতালি বাজে । 

রাজা তোমায় ---- 

রাজা তুমি আজকাল না'কি 
চারদিকেতে তাকিয়ে দেখ ?
তখন কি তোমার চোখে চশমা থাকে ?
দৃশ্যগুলোর  সবটা না'কি চশমা কাঁচ পেরিয়ে,
তোমার কাছে যায় না কোনদিন ?

রাজা তুমি আজকাল না'কি 
চারদিকের ঐ  রোদ গায়ে মাখ ?
তখন তোমার গায়ে কোথাও রাজার গন্ধ থাকে ?
গন্ধ গুলো পেরিয়ে রোদের আঁচ ,
তোমার কাছে যায় না কোনদিন । 

Monday, 13 April 2015

HOK KOLOROB : New Form of Student Movement, desired or undesired ?

অধ্যাপক সুগত মারজিৎ  , কিছুদিন আগে ৪-১১-২০১৪   তারিখে  আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকায় “ছাত্র আন্দোলন বিষয়ে কিছু অপ্রিয় সত্য” কথা বলেছেন । শুধু তাঁর কথা নয়  , তিনি প্রসঙ্গক্রমে  অধ্যাপক দীপেশ চক্রবর্তীর লেখা ‘এই সমস্যা ----‘ (৩০-০৯-২০১৪ তারিখে প্রকাশিত )  বিষয়ে কোন কোন পাঠকের করা  সমালোচনার জবাব দেওয়ার চেষ্টাও করেছেন । পরোক্ষে অধ্যাপক চক্রবর্তীর পক্ষ সমর্থনে দু- চার কথা বলেছেনও । প্রখ্যাত অর্থনীতিবিদ , শিক্ষক ,এবং উচ্চ- শিক্ষার অন্যতম প্রশাসক হিসাবে , অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ ,  ছাত্র আন্দোলনের সরাসরি বিরোধীতা না করেও , এই ধরণের আন্দোলনে যুক্ত , বা যুক্ত হতে ইচ্ছুক ছাত্র- ছাত্রীদের ,  ব্যাক্তিগত লাভ- ক্ষতির  হিসাব  করে , আন্দোলনে যোগ দেওয়ার পরামর্শও  দিয়েছেন ।

চাকরী সূত্রে বিভিন্ন প্রয়োজনে অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ -এর কাছাকাছি আসার এবং বিভিন্ন বিষয়ে তাঁর মতামত বা দৃষ্টিভঙ্গী  জানার সুযোগ আমার হয়েছে । সেই অভিজ্ঞতার সঙ্গে বর্তমানের অভিজ্ঞতার খুব একটা গরমিল আছে বলে মনে হয় না । মাস্টারমশাই এবং শিক্ষণ- ব্যবস্থার প্রসাশক হিসাবে , তিনি ব্যক্তিগত ভাবে ‘ব্যক্তি’ ছাত্রকে স্মরণ করিয়ে দিয়েছেন , তাদের স্বপ্নপুরী   মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রেই শুধু নয় এখানকার ঝাঁ চকচকে  বেসরকারি শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের ক্যাম্পাসে , যাদবপুরের মত কৌম- দীপ্ত প্রতিবাদ ,প্রবল নির্ধারক হয়ে উঠতে পারে না ।এবং তা পারে না কেবলমাত্র ব্যক্তি অনীহার কারণে ।সেখানে কয়েক হাজার টাকা মাসে টিউশন ফি বাবদ দিতে হয় । তাই লাভ ক্ষতির ব্যাল্যান্স সীট ,  ছাত্র-ছাত্রীর পঠন-পাঠন ও শিক্ষার ওপর দাঁড়িয়ে , তদের সবসময় শাসন করে চলে । ছাত্র জীবনের দর্শনকে সূচীমুখ করে তোলে ঃ-   “টাকা দাও ভর্তি হও , কোর্সের নির্ধারিত সময়টা অতিবাহিত কর । তারপর শংসা পত্র নিয়ে “বাজারে” নেমে পর” ।  মূল দর্শন হল , নিজেকে পণ্য হিসাবে সাজিয়ে বিক্রয় যোগ্য করে তোলা । অস্বীকার করার উপায় নেই , যে , আমাদের সকলের অন্তিম লক্ষ্য সেটা হলেও , কখনই সেটা দর্শন হতে পারে না । একটি যুবক বা যুবতী তাদের ছাত্র জীবনে একক ও সর্ব বিচ্ছিন্ন স্বাতন্ত্র্যকে সামনে রেখে নিজেকে লক্ষাধীক  মূল্যের  পণ্য হিসাবে গড়ে তুলবে , তার আর কোন দর্শন থাকবে না , এটাই কি আমাদের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থার একমাত্র দর্শন ? আমরা কি এটাই আমাদের ছাত্রছাত্রীকে শেখাব , যে তারা যেন, অপরচুনিটির সর্বাধিক সদ্ব্যবহার করে, শিক্ষার  কস্ট- এর  যথার্থতা প্রতিষ্ঠা করে ।  কারণ , সেটাই একমাত্র সফলতার কাঙ্ক্ষিত পথ । অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ  কি তাঁর ছাত্র জীবনে এ-ভাবেই ভাবতেন ?

শিক্ষণ- ব্যবস্থার প্রশাসক হিসাবে সরকারী সাহায্য পুষ্ট শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে ছাত্র আন্দোলনের আধিক্যকে তিনি এভাবেই কস্ট- ভিত্তিতে  সরলীকরণ করেছেন । তাঁর ব্যাখ্যা দেখে মনে হয়েছে  পড়ার কস্ট যত কম হবে , অপরচুনিটির প্রাপ্তব্যতা  ততই কম হবে । আর তাই হয়ত এই সব ক্ষেত্রে ,  তিনি অধ্যাপক দীপেশ চক্রবর্তীর  খুব সাধারন প্রকল্পিত বক্তব্য , “পরে দেখে নেব” –কে যুক্তিসঙ্গত বলতে বিন্দু মাত্র দ্বিধা বা বিলম্ব করেন নি । অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ  টিউশন ফি-র সাথে অপরচুনিটি কস্ট-কে একই সরলরেখায় রেখে উদার ব্যক্তিস্বাতন্ত্র্যমূখী  বিশ্বায়নের সত্যকেই , প্রতিষ্ঠার পথ প্রশস্ত করেছেন । তাই অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ -এর অপ্রিয় সত্যকে আমরা যত দ্রুত প্রিয় সত্য হিসাবে মেনে নিতে পারব , তত দ্রুত যাদবপুরের কৌম- দীপ্ত  আন্দোলনকে আমরা বিচ্ছিন্ন করতে পারব । তার অন্তিম দিন ঘোষণা করতে পারব ।

কথাটা মানতে অসুবিধা ছিল না । কিন্তু প্রশ্ন হল ,সাম্প্রতিক কালে ঘটে যাওয়া বিভিন্ন কলেজের অভ্যন্তরের ( কলেজের নাম লিখতে গেলে লেখার আয়তন বেড়ে যাওয়ার ভয় আছে ) বহিরাগতদের শিক্ষণ পুষ্ট  “ছাত্র- বিক্ষোভ- আন্দোলন” (এই শব্দ-বন্ধটি সংবাদপত্র থেকে ধার করা ) , অথবা প্রেসিডেন্সীর ‘গেট- ভাঙ্গা’ “ছাত্র- বিক্ষোভ- আন্দোলন”-এর  ‘অপরচুনিটি  কস্ট’ অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ  কিভাবে করবেন ? অথবা কলকাতা বিশ্বাবিদ্যালয়ের সিন্ডিকেটের সভায়  বিক্ষুব্দধ ছাত্র- নেতার দলবল সহ পাণ্ডা গিরি  করার জন্য প্রবেশ এবং শিক্ষার বিষয়ে চূড়ান্ত সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহনের অপরচুনিটি নেওয়ার চেষ্টাকে অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ  কি তাঁর “অপ্রিয় সত্য” কথনের সাথে যুক্ত করবেন ?

মনে হয় , যাদবপুরের ছাত্র- ছাত্রীর কৌমতা “ব্যক্তিস্বাতন্ত্র্য মুখী  বিশ্বায়নের” পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে যতটা অপ্রিয় , ছাত্র- বিক্ষোভ- আন্দোলন , বা , বহিরাগতদের আনুকূল্যে ছাত্র সংগঠনের ভাঙচুর , সরকার পোষিত সম্পত্তির ছত্রখান , ততটা অপ্রিয় ত’ নয়ই , বরং হয়ত প্রিয় । কারণ এই ভাঙচুর “হয়ত” ক্যাপিটালের রি- সাইক্লিং অপরচুনিটি সৃষ্টির সহায়ক , তাই এটা অতটা অপ্রিয় নয় !

যাদবপুরের ছাত্র আন্দোলনের সুত্রপাত যে বিষয় নিয়ে হয়েছিল , শুনেছি , (প্রথমে অধ্যাপক চক্রবর্তীর লেখায় , পরে অন্য একটি পত্রিকায় অধ্যাপক অনুষ্টুপ বসুর লেখায় ) বিদেশে না’ কি’ সে রকম বিষয়গুলি আভ্যন্তরীণ শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষা কমিটির   দৌত্যতায় , শুধু মাত্র আর্থিক ক্ষতিপূরণের মধ্যে দিয়ে ব্যক্তিগতস্তরে  মিটিয়ে ফেলা হয় । যৌথ প্রতিবাদের ভাষা সৃষ্টির কোন অবকাশ দেওয়া হয় না । “গণতান্ত্রিক বাতাবরণে অর্থকে বিনিময়ের মাধ্যম করে” পণ্যের আদানপ্রদান হয় । সমাজের বৌদ্ধিক ট্র্যাডিশনকে জাগ্রত না করে , ব্যক্তিকেন্দ্রিক “স্বার্থ পুষ্টি ও  ভালমন্দের মূল্যভিত্তিক বিবেচনা” সর্বোপরি ক্ষয়ক্ষতির লাভ লোকসানের হিসাব কষে নেওয়া হয় । অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ  , এই দিকটাও ভেবে দেখতে বলেছেন । কারন তিনি মনে করেন , প্রথমত , আন্দোলনের মধ্যে দিয়ে আদর্শ  ও মুল্যবোধকে ছাত্র- কৌম ভুক্ত করা অপেক্ষা, ব্যক্তি স্বার্থ পূরণের অপরচুনিটির সন্ধান করা অনেকবেশী শ্রেয় । তারপর না হয়  দ্বিতীয় পর্যায়ে আন্দোলনের ভবিষ্যৎ দরদাম  ঠিক করে ,এই বাঙলার বেশ কিছু বুদ্ধিজীবীর হালফিল ফেলে রাখা পাদুকায় পা গলিয়ে , আন্দোলনে অংশ নেওয়া যাবে । তাতে মনে হয়,  আন্দোলন উত্তর কালে কিছু প্রাপ্তির সম্ভাবনা থেকে যায় । অধ্যাপক মারজিৎ-এর  বিশ্বাস , এভাবেই আপাতত লক্ষের প্রতি সূচিমুখ আন্দোলনের রাশ টেনে ধরা যাবে , এবং নিয়ন্ত্রণ প্রতিষ্টা করা  যাবে ।

ধন্যবাদ , অধ্যাপক সুগত মারজিৎকে , ছাত্রছাত্রী এবং সমাজের অন্যান্য কৌম অংশকে এইরূপ “অপ্রিয় সত্য” কথা বলার জন্য ।

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Views on Knowledge and Democracy.

There are some basic differences between Marxian outlook towards Science and knowledge from that of Western Bourgeois outlook to science and knowledge. A Western bourgeois Scientist deals with his own scientific queries as an individual who outwardly perceives his role neutrally from the social demands and necessities. To him , his knowledge is the result of his own percipience and persuasion, where the role of society is seldom  reflected. So it is the result of his own achievement .Thus he has every right to use him and his knowledge for his own satisfaction and success. If it brings any change in the society, then the society will remain oblige to pay for its benefit to him. Or in other words, if it caused any basic development in the society, then that should be viewed as a contribution of the Individual Scientist , who gracefully allowed the society to share and use his knowledge against an adequate worth for his knowledge from the society. 

Here lies the basic difference between Socialist and Capitalist outlook to Knowledge. The knowledge of objective world stems from the society, where human beings achieve and acquire those objective knowledge as an indivisible part of the society. So there can be no knowledge which initially appears as neutral from the social objective reality. An individual can never know anything  beyond society, because he is an indivisible part of the society.  Knowledge stems from social reality individual only depicts it in its subjective senses to get an appropriate explanation or perfect exposition of that reality for the sake of enhancement of Social knowledge and process of development. This epistemology thus propagates  that objective knowledge which is in consistent with the knowledge of Natural Science and obviously inconsistent to social hypocrisy and  social superstition.

Perhaps for this, the liberal democracy and its inward individual political and social rights opposes the tenets of Socialist Democracy and its corresponding materialistic Philosophy. Liberalism, in fact not only opposes the Socialist Democracy , it also tries to tainted it as impractical and denies it as anti-democratic

Human being unveiled the in cognizable natural secrets or mystery by his knowledge, These secretes stays neutrally from the objective knowledge of human beings. Men from their own social objective existence and situation unveiled  those for their own social objective development. The social objective existence of human being depends on the base of Economic Condition or Production System, which in fact decides the social and political superstructure, where men are socially related   with each other as per their role and position in the economic system or production system.

Thus no social man is either free or neutral from the economic system. Because the main link of a man with the society is decided by his role and position with the Economic or Production System.

Liberal democracy, instead of giving necessary importance on this, carefully gives more focus and emphasis on the political and social rights and liberty of an individual. Thus they incorporated the political and social rights in the Constitution to make it legal, and universal to the society, without bringing the Economic equality and liberty of opportunity. Thus in reality social and political rights and freedom in Liberal Democracy ultimately turn into an ironic castle of Utopian Democracy.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

University Examination, Assessment and Result Publication

Education: Examination,Assessment and Result Publication

DR. S.N.Chattopadhyay

Very recently we have witnessed a significant disorderliness in result publication in Bardhhaman University at Under Graduate level. Even some of our good non-academic friends and well-wishers started to express their doubts and cynicism towards the method and practices that one University generally follows, during taking Examination and publication of result, especially of Under Graduate level. Once when myself was a selected part of the Examination System of Calcutta University during 2004 to 2010, we tried to introduce decentralized system of Examination and Result Publication functioning. We thought it to introduce this proposed system instead of the existing centralized system of evaluation and publication of result.

Before any further discussion, at the outset we must admit that the syllabus-examination-degree are organically compounded. Thus to make our discussion effective and scientific, we must at the outset inter wave these three elements into a single frame of reference. Otherwise our attempt will meet an unwanted divisibility of course, where un-unitization is the only resultant. We also feel it essential as well as urgent to bring it under the direct indirect (through Controller) of the highest decision making authority of the University. But in our system a body of members in the Undergraduate Council is determining the Syllabus without inquiring the requirements and available infrastructural facilities at the grass root level where ultimately the framed Syllabus will be percolated. The Examination is generally conducted by the Controller and his Office. 

But unfortunately in some Universities Controller Is not even the statutory member of the highest decision making organ. The Controller of the University is seen to remain present there as an invitee members, whose presence is not also compulsory or mandatory. This body, when takes the decision of holding examination and fixing up the schedule of Examination, is very rare seen to take official cognition from the Controller and from his own Office. Of course a system of mutual understanding between these units runs round the process to make it successful. But there is no official bindings over the decision making authority that may bound it to take prior confirmation from operating unit of the University.

Our next crucial perspective is that, in Universities there are two important facets which are organically compounded. First is the curriculum portion and other is assessment of examination portion. Textually, curriculum portion determines the norms of assessment along the process of giving lessons to the pupils.  Credit points depends upon two corresponding factors: 1) the coverage of syllabus; 2) schedule of Examination and the corresponding performance of the candidate. Coverage of syllabus and credit marks in examination can be synchronized in two ways: First, by making a rational harmony between the syllabus and the pattern of questions would expected to be asked by the examiner during examination. To get away from this basic problem, the teacher may think to change the process of class room teaching, from “dry” lecture method to the “question” oriented method. He, before initiation of any topic for class room lecture, may give the probable questions that generally come from the matter to the Students. In this case, student will be able to find out the relevant portions of his/her text, for better preparation in the examination. They will also be able to identify the important part, on which they will be asked in the examination. Second, synchronization is also required to be done in allotting and dividing the number of classes for different part and for different subjects of the syllabus. Otherwise the concerned teacher as well as the related students will not get sufficient time cover the syllabus and the course.

Regarding the process of harmonizing the publication of Result, the authority should declare the schedule of publication of result along with the schedule of “reviewing” the marks. Not only that, the schedule for supplementary examination for reviewing and for improvement of grade should also be made time bound and according to a pre-schedule Programme.

For ensuring the security and uniformity, the system of masking the answer scripts through coding system should be introduced. Further, for the benefit of uniformity two methods can be used alternatively, of course after doing necessary piloting of the process. A) Centralized evaluation system, and B) Zonal evaluation system. Both these systems have already proved their applicability.

But there are certain basic problem to bring a line of order in syllabus, Examination and Publication of Result in time. These problems are:
  1.       Uniformity in assessment system obviously require uniform teaching and learning process. The              heterogeneity of Colleges and Teaching faculties is an obstacle to that.
  2.       Disparity in the number of teaching Staff and their different categories, like F.T.;P.T.; CWTT; G.F.      etc. is also an obstruction to our proposition.
  3.       Difference of standard of U.G. Colleges is also a fact to be considered.
  4.     Duration of finishing the syllabus in different colleges is also not uniform. This makes problem to the     Students to get them prepared for facing the questions in the Examination.
  5.       So far, in spite of various attempts, the University authority has not been able to establish a uniform      norms of assessment of examination scripts.
  6.       Reluctance of examiners to maintain the time schedule in receiving and depositing the script is one of   the basic problem of maintaining time schedule of result publication to the University authority.

If we start serious thinking on those problem them in near future the point of resolution will obviously be come. The credibility and faith on University examination system will then also be restored.

DR Sujit Narayan Chattopadhyay.