Sunday 5 April 2015

Views on Knowledge and Democracy.

There are some basic differences between Marxian outlook towards Science and knowledge from that of Western Bourgeois outlook to science and knowledge. A Western bourgeois Scientist deals with his own scientific queries as an individual who outwardly perceives his role neutrally from the social demands and necessities. To him , his knowledge is the result of his own percipience and persuasion, where the role of society is seldom  reflected. So it is the result of his own achievement .Thus he has every right to use him and his knowledge for his own satisfaction and success. If it brings any change in the society, then the society will remain oblige to pay for its benefit to him. Or in other words, if it caused any basic development in the society, then that should be viewed as a contribution of the Individual Scientist , who gracefully allowed the society to share and use his knowledge against an adequate worth for his knowledge from the society. 

Here lies the basic difference between Socialist and Capitalist outlook to Knowledge. The knowledge of objective world stems from the society, where human beings achieve and acquire those objective knowledge as an indivisible part of the society. So there can be no knowledge which initially appears as neutral from the social objective reality. An individual can never know anything  beyond society, because he is an indivisible part of the society.  Knowledge stems from social reality individual only depicts it in its subjective senses to get an appropriate explanation or perfect exposition of that reality for the sake of enhancement of Social knowledge and process of development. This epistemology thus propagates  that objective knowledge which is in consistent with the knowledge of Natural Science and obviously inconsistent to social hypocrisy and  social superstition.

Perhaps for this, the liberal democracy and its inward individual political and social rights opposes the tenets of Socialist Democracy and its corresponding materialistic Philosophy. Liberalism, in fact not only opposes the Socialist Democracy , it also tries to tainted it as impractical and denies it as anti-democratic

Human being unveiled the in cognizable natural secrets or mystery by his knowledge, These secretes stays neutrally from the objective knowledge of human beings. Men from their own social objective existence and situation unveiled  those for their own social objective development. The social objective existence of human being depends on the base of Economic Condition or Production System, which in fact decides the social and political superstructure, where men are socially related   with each other as per their role and position in the economic system or production system.

Thus no social man is either free or neutral from the economic system. Because the main link of a man with the society is decided by his role and position with the Economic or Production System.

Liberal democracy, instead of giving necessary importance on this, carefully gives more focus and emphasis on the political and social rights and liberty of an individual. Thus they incorporated the political and social rights in the Constitution to make it legal, and universal to the society, without bringing the Economic equality and liberty of opportunity. Thus in reality social and political rights and freedom in Liberal Democracy ultimately turn into an ironic castle of Utopian Democracy.


  1. really i learn from you how to got any social issue from your practical ambiance

  2. Sir,

    This article reminds me of a great scientist called Nikola Tesla who always thought of the society and how his inventions would be beneficial for the same. Seldom did he think about his own personal benefit and he was never bothered about even the theft of his copyrights and patents by other people from the scientific community who claimed his work as their own. His contribution to the industry during his time was immense with his invention of alternating current. His approaches towards inventing was always directed towards lowering expenses costing to the society that would boost the economy. It is sad that during his time, profit hungry corporations ignored his idea of providing free wireless electricity to the entire planet. Tesla is one of the most underrated scientists in history.

    Thankfully, there has been recent news about his model of free wireless electricity being tested successfully in Russia. If more people would think like Tesla, surely society would be greatly benefited.

    Please write more about how science and economy relate with each other in your future blog posts.

    Following your blog.

    Thank you for this thoughtful article.
